Energy cities hubs

The Energy Cities Hubs are our community spaces to activate, empower and inspire local leaders towards a climate-neutral Europe

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10 Sep - 12 Sep

Kursaal - Palais des Congrès de Dunkerque, Place du Casino, Dunkirk, France

The European Energy Transition Conference

Due to the climate emergency, the European Union and several political entities have included in their legislation an objective of carbon neutrality by 2050. Because […]

10 Sep

EU Peers Transnational Summer Meeting

Join us for the Transnational SUMMER Meeting, brought to you by EU Peers – your Community of Practice for Integrated Home Renovation Services (IHRS). We […]

10 Sep

Driving Urban Transitions Call 2024 – Info Day 1

Want to find out more about the Call of the Driving Urban Transition (DUT) Partnership, funded by the European Commission within the Horizon Europe Partnership framework ? […]

18 Sep

 Supporting the development of energy communities: which role for local and regional energy agencies?

Are you a local or regional agency/organisation willing to support energy communities? On September 18th, from 11 to 12, join us online to get an […]

26 Sep

Kozani, Greece

Scalable Cities Roadshow: Build Your Financial Capacity for Positive Energy District and Neighbourhood Development

This peer-to-peer session is part of the Scalable Cities Roadshow, a financial capacity-building program designed to help cities acquire the knowledge needed to scale up energy […]

07 Oct

La Tricoterie, Rue Théodore Verhaegen, Brussels, Belgium

Shaping the energy transition, together!

Are you interested in discovering the learnings from starting community energy projects, getting access to a comprehensive toolbox and exchange with experts on the topic […]

24 Oct

Engaging citizens in heating projects

Heating and cooling accounts for almost 80% of all energy used by households, which in turn, are responsible for 21% of the EU’s greenhouse gas […]

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Ads-free streets: let’s give public space back to citizens

Ads-free streets: let’s give public space back to citizens

Vice-President Philippe Guelpa-Bonaro shares with us Lyon Métropole’s experience in reducing advertising


If we have regulations for tobacco and alcohol ads, why don’t we have one to limit the promotion of fossil fuel products and services? Why […]
Citizens’ Assemblies: no one said it was easy, but it’s worth it

Citizens’ Assemblies: no one said it was easy, but it’s worth it

Insights from Local and EU-Level Citizens’ Assemblies Shared at Our Forum in Valencia


At this year’s annual forum in Valencia, we dove deeper into the topic of Citizens’ Assemblies, exploring the strengths and challenges of this exercise
New German heating law boosts local heating and cooling planning

New German heating law boosts local heating and cooling planning

Important guidance for EU countries looking to transpose new EU legislation


The German Bundestag recently passed a law for heating and cooling planning and the decarbonisation of heat networks to achieve the 2045 climate neutrality target.
Decarbonising cities for a sustainable Europe

Decarbonising cities for a sustainable Europe

Transforming heating and cooling: key strategies and success stories from European cities.


Did you know that heating and cooling account 50% of Europe’s energy demand and 80% of household energy consumption? Energy Cities’ Annual Forum, held in […]
“Degrowth is a pretty loaded term on its own”

“Degrowth is a pretty loaded term on its own”

Interview with Chris Giotitsas, Peer to Peer Lab and CommonEn energy community


And still, community leaders keep on fighting for it as a means to bring environmental and social sustainability – ultimately also as a means to turn the blurry degrowth concept into something very concrete.