Energy Cities AGM 2024

Energy Cities annual General Assembly will be held in Valencia on 27 June 2024

Our next Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place in Valencia on 27 June 2024 from 09:00 to 10:30 at Palau de la Mùsica, as part of our annual Forum, which will be held on 26 and 27 June.

If you wish to attend the AGM, onsite or online, you need to register specifically through the form below before 10 June 2024.

AGM registration form

AGM agendas

Extraordinary General Meeting to modify some articles of the statutes

  • 1/ Registered address in Besançon
  • 2/ Working languages
  • 3/ Voting by correspondence

Ordinary General Meeting

  • 1/ Political & activities reports
  • 2/ Energy Cities finances
  • 3/ Orientation debate: European priorities for the next 5 years: It will be held with the participation of Alenjandro ULZURRUN DE ASANZA Y MUNOZ, Head of Unit, DG Energy, European Commission

English <> French interpretation will be provided at the AGM.

How can my city vote?

Are you representing a member municipality?
Then you are entitled to vote on behalf of your municipality.

Will multiple representatives of your municipality attend the General Assembly?
Then only one person is entitled to vote. Please clarify this internally in advance as the vote will be made via an online tool.

Modalities to vote onsite and online
The elections will be organised on Balotilo, a safe user-friendly voting platform.

Prior to the elections, each eligible voter will receive an individual one time link to vote by email. This ensures the election remains anonymous, and that each voter can only cast one ballot.
Each voter will be able to vote only once, from any device with an internet connection and access to emails, being a mobile phone or a laptop. The election results will be presented as soon as the ballot closes.

It is not possible for a representative from your municipality to attend the General Assembly?
Then you can mandate another city member to vote with the following voter proxy form by 10 June 2024. Please note that proxy can only be given to members attending the AGM onsite.

Any questions? Please contact Nathalie Moroge in charge of the organisation of the General Assembly.