Grafting Cities – Energy Cities Annual Conference

Valencia, Spain - 26-27 June 2024

26 June 2024 

On the first day, we will dive into transition toward climate neutrality initiatives. Expect in-depth discussions on real-world examples, best practices, and innovative strategies for addressing transition challenges.

> Breakout sessions

Heating and Cooling Decarbonisation

Heating and cooling represents 50% of the energy demand in Europe and 80% of the energy consumption in households. The decarbonisation of heating and cooling is essential to the decarbonisation of our energy sector. The session will look into key success factors that can be learned from cities engaging in the decarbonization of their energy system.​

Participants of the session will benefit from peer-to-peer learning and access customed materials from the REDI4Heat Project.


14:30 – 14:35 Introduction to the session; Nicolas Raimondi, Energy Cities ​

14:35 – 14:45 EU legal framework and Toolbox ; Nicolas Raimondi, Energy Cities

14:45 – 15:40 Identifying key success factors for heat decarbonisation: panel presentation & discussion ​

  • Mr. Stephan Auer-Stüger, Deputy chairman of the climate committee (City of Vienna) ​
  • Dr. Tilmann Rave, Head of the heat planning department (City of Munich)
  • more speakers to be confirmed

15:40 – 15:45 Heat Campaign of the Covenant of Mayors; Allison Le Corre, Energy Cities; 

Waste management and Circularity

This session has been crafted to showcase exemplary practices in waste management strategies, aimed at equipping your city with practical insights from pioneering urban centers.  

  • Objectives: The session will frame waste management through the concept of circularity, highlighting the interconnectedness of resources and emphasizing the importance of fostering a closed-loop system that reduces environmental impact and enhances resource efficiency. 
  • Project involved: ClimaBorough Project 

Empowering local authorities in national and EU climate policymaking

In their efforts to contribute to a more sustainable future, cities often face the hurdle of having insufficient information to appropriately assess their respective pathways towards climate neutrality.

  • Objectives: EUCityCalc partners will present project findings and recommendations to improve dialogue between government levels for climate policies. They’ll introduce a free training program to help cities optimize tool usage and facilitate stakeholder workshops. 
  • Project involved: EUCityCalc 

From cradle to grave: overcoming community energy challenges in cities

Renewable community projects can come with quite some challenges. During this codevelopment session, participants will be confronted with three pioneering initiatives. Put yourself in the shoes of those cities and remove stumbling blocks around PV or community heat through collective brainstorming. Is this something you can apply in your own town?​


16:15 – 16:25 Welcome and introduction to the Codev methodology; Miriam Eisermann, Energy Cities ​

16:25 – 16:35 Three little-known challenges around PV and heat:

  • Porec (Croatia) : setting up a voucher model for collective energy renovation of a school – Goran Cacic (ZEZ)​
  • Valencia(Spain): setting up PV on a cemetery including vulnerable houses – Arturo Zea (Valencia Clima I Energia)​
  • Utrecht (Netherlands): developing investment concepts for decentralized district heating – Anne-Marie Zwanink (City of Utrecht)

16:35 – 17:05  Cracking the nut: Codev session in three groups moderated by the three challengers

17:05 – 17:20 Presentation on the action actually developed by each city

17:20 – 17:30 Conclusion and lessons learnt; Sara Giovannini, Energy Cities 

27 June 2024

Day two will shift gears towards a day of collaborative learning. Through interactive sessions and dialogues, attendees will have the opportunity to explore new ideas, exchange perspectives, and cultivate synergies between cities.

> Keynote Speech: “Caring for things as well as the livings: the tinkering trail”   

To kick-off the day, Fanny Lederlin, the author of the book “l’Éloge du Bricolage” (In praise for tinkering) will share her experience of how to incorporate “things” (fabrics, waste…) into an ecological approach.  

> Parallel Sessions 

I – Resource-wise cities: rethinking our needs

The issue of wise management of resources (energy, land, water, materials) and their equitable sharing has moved to the top of the cities agenda. It invites us to question our needs and reorganize our infrastructure and services to meet them.   

This session on sufficiency is an opportunity to explore what cities are already doing in concrete terms to improve quality of life and consume resources in a fairer and wiser way.  

II – Local Climate Citizen’s Assemblies

This session will start from the examples of 5 cities which have chosen to organize different forms of climate assembly. Same temporality, but different questions and methods of questioning, or even aims (for example Lyon’s climate assembly concerns city agents.

The idea will be to discuss the follow-up to be given and how to integrate (or not) more assemblies into local and European democracy (The European Commission also conducts citizen panels and will react in conclusion). 

> Let’s make it work!

The afternoon will be dedicated to sessions to “make it work!”. This event will be made by our members for our members. With the whole afternoon dedicated to our members showcasing their innovations to each other, cities will share, listen and reveal their full potential!