The European Commission yesterday published the second batch of its Fit for 55 package aimed at cutting carbon emissions by at least 55% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels. Two of the most eagerly awaited legislative pieces that came out as part of this package include the revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) and the Hydrogen and Decarbonised Gas Market Package.
In the Energy Performance Building Directive proposal, some major new or improved instruments have been put forward:
The role of local authorities in the overall implementation of these new measures remains however largely overlooked and no specific provision has been included to guarantee support for their actions.
As regards the gas package, unfortunately the scope of the proposals is essentially to create a new market for molecules with little concern of whether these molecules are needed or not in the first place. The hydrogen hype has certainly not subsided despite the knowledge that it’s clearly not adapted to every sector especially home heating and overshadows the need for massive investment in renewable energy, including in the building sector.
Policy makers should have in mind that there will not be a single energy transition but several, adapted to each context and local resources. Energy Cities looks forward to discussing with co-legislators now in charge of amending the whole Fit for 55 package to finally pave the way for locally-relevant decarbonisation pathways.