They are all in!


Publication date

September 11, 2023

Sasha from Serbia, Sandy from Greece, Anna from Croatia…what do they have in common?

Every European has the right to set up their own community energy project, and to consume, store, and sell the energy produced. ?Many people, from Bulgaria, to Greece, to Spain do already put and get energy into an energy community. You can too. And you. And you.

Do like them and join or start an energy community ➡️

The video was recorded during the Community Energy Spring Gathering 2023, an event organised by & Electra energy in Athens. It that gathered over 200 community energy stakeholders, many of them women and youth, from across Europe and the Balkans. The event provided a platform for envisioning and co-designing the renewable, democratic energy system(s) of the future. This video emphasises the democratic power of the community energy model, showing the many different faces of participating individuals. With LIFE LOOP we want to add more faces of civil servants, who support, launch or join energy communities in their place!

Video credits Greenpeace Bulgaria ???