Since 2011 and thanks to considerable progress in energy efficiency policies there are more new or improved energy efficiency policies but more effort is needed to achieve the 2020 target.
Extracts from the press release
Energy efficiency is the first fuel of the European Union. Policies are already implemented across all EU member states but we need more ambitious targets and a stronger framework for 2030.
Claude Turmes, MEP, EUFORES President
Energy efficiency policies are an investment that brings so many benefits to consumers, businesses, and public budgets alike. Member States should view achieving energy efficiency targets as a benefit, not a burden imposed by the EU, but the EU must also assist Member States in funding and implementing policies.
Stefan Thomas, Director, Wuppertal Institut, Energy Efficiency Watch Project Partner
Read the full press release
The Energy-Efficiency-Watch project, which is co-founded by the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme, facilitates and supports since 2006 the implementation of EU energy efficiency policies in the Member States. The consortium analyses the National Energy Efficiency Action Plans (NEEAPs) and the development of European and national Energy efficiency policies. It carried out expert consultations and a EU-wide survey to gather competent opinions on the progress of energy efficiency policies in the Member States. Its publications include: 28 Country Reports which analyse the progress of energy efficiency in each Member State;10 Case Studies that present outstanding energy efficiency policies in Europe and offer inspiration to policy makers;the Key Policy Conclusions, which condense the project’s and translate them into strategic policy conclusions;the project brochure: “How to make Europe Number 1 in Energy Efficiency”the Expert Survey Report which gathered input from over 1100 experts, reporting on levels of ambition and progress of efficiency policies in each Member State. |
Read our previous article Energy efficiency implemented too slowly in Europe: a status report from “Energy Efficiency Watch3”