Conference for Mayors “Translating the EU Green Deal into local action”



The 15 March 2024 from 09:00 until 05:30


Brussels, Belgium

The Government of Flanders will gather 550 mayors and representatives of local governments to the conference “Translating the EU green deal to local action”, happening on 15 March 2024, in Brussels, within the framework of the Belgian EU Presidency

Local authorities are in the driver’s seat to put the Green Deal into practice. Their mobilization capacity should be embedded in the heart of the EU Green Deal initiatives to facilitate the best possible participation of our citizens, enterprises, and local community organizations.

Holding the Presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2024, the government of the Flanders region of Belgium is inviting 550 mayors ‘Fit for 55’ to highlight the way forward for EU Green Deal’s supportive initiatives for local governments, based on practical experiences. As a concrete example, Flanders has launched a Local Energy and Climate Pact as a contractual basis for tangible targets and support, per number of inhabitants, between the regional and local governments.

The Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU wants to explore how to create more impact by building a bridge between these, serving better the needs of all local governments, creating stronger synergies, and integrating with regional supportive frameworks across the Union to make the Green Deal thrive in our communities. The ways of implementing solutions to reach the Green Deal’s ambition are countless, but they all have in common that they do take concrete shape locally: in our cities and municipalities. It’s high time to bring these local governments together. .

The conference aims to highlight the way forward for the implementation of the EU Green Deal. What we need is a new multilevel governance framework, with bridges between the EU initiatives and more direct funding solutions. Be inspired during the conference by the best practices across Europe and share your own. Experience in-depth sessions with experts from the local to the European level. Share a glass with other local leaders while building strong connections for the future.

Find more information and the programme here!