Cities Northern Netherlands

The Cities Northern Netherlands office is an in-house office representing the cities Groningen, Leeuwarden, Assen and Emmen in the EU.

Presenting innovative projects

The aim of the office is to represent the interests of the cities and to develop innovative projects with international partners in the EU. The goal is to find partners from other regions and cities, connect them to our projects and perceive new developments and projects which can contribute to our economic challenges. This way we want to improve the competitiveness, and the development of businesses in the Northern Netherlands.

Focus on knowledge areas

We want to focus on downstream projects; realistic projects that matter for the ecosystem of the cities. The cities in the Northern Netherlands focuses on four important shared areas of knowledge:

  1. Energy
  2. Circular Economy
  3. Hydrogen
  4. Mobility

The government, research institutes and businesses are actively cooperating on these topics. The four cities are coordinating and facilitating concrete projects related to these themes.


Cities Northern Netherlands is a member of Energy Cities since 2017

The Netherlands