City of Örebro

In 2020, Örebro was selected as the best Swedish municipality as regards to work carried out to fulfil the objectives of the UN’s 2030 Agenda.

The ranking applied to “Sustainable communities”, and included four of the 17 global goals, including water supply, energy, broadband and access to public transport. However, the municipality considers that there is still a long way to go before they can say the city is completely sustainable.

The inhabitants of Örebro, like in the rest of the country, consume more than their share of the Earth’s resources. The municipality is aware that this overconsumption has very negative social and ecological impacts, and aims to significantly reduce their ecological footprint.

Örebro intends to reduce climate impacts of:

  • Energy use (heating, cooling, electricity and process energy) and ensure a sustainable energy system.
  • Travel, transport and work machines.
  • Production and consumption of food.
  • Buildings and facilities.
  • The financial market.

… and to increase natural carbon storage in soil and vegetation as well as carbon storage via technical measures.

The municipality decided to join Energy Cities in 2021, in the view to “network, share experience, to get support in finding partners for projects, and for collaboration opportunities.” (Jan Johansson, Project Manager Smart City).


City of Örebro is a member of Energy Cities since 2021


156 000 Inhabitants
