Urban community of Grand Paris Sud

Grand Paris Sud will unveil their Regional Climate Air Energy Plan (PCAET) towards the end of 2019 and it will contain a wealth of initiatives to transform life in this busy city just south of Paris.

Some of the projects that are already underway, or will be underway soon, include:

  1. The development of heat networks and their conversion to renewable energies and recovery;
  2. The development of low and zero-emissions mobility with the Business Mobility Plan;
  3. Support for economic actors in the region (structuring and running the “Logistic Innovation” cluster and the eco-activities club);
  4. Actions undertaken in the field of local agriculture and short circuits;
  5. The involvement of all stakeholders in the territory through the digital consultation platform to co-build public policies or very concrete operations such as the “Positive Energy Families” challenge.


Urban community of Grand Paris Sud is a member of Energy Cities since 2016


336 000 Inhabitants