MEDNICE bundles the experience of 10 projects that were funded in the framework of the same Interreg Mediterranean programme. They all tackled the same challenge: In the Mediterranean area cooling (and heating) as well as low building standards induce high consumption and expenses. And this, even though a wealth of natural resources and a conducive climate do provide excellent conditions for greening residential and public buildings.
Over the first 3 years of its existence (2016-2019), MEDNICE has become a community of stakeholders dealing with capacity-building and awareness-raising, designing and testing of smart building and financing solutions. This efficient buildings community (EEB) holds precious expertise. Between 2020 and 2022, the MEDNICE team will focus on spreading this know-how, both in practical and political terms.
Peer learning will be a cornerstone of the project in order to increase the capacity of public building managers and planners to better design and implement efficiency measures and practices in buildings and neighbourhoods.
Our mission is to get the best out of the projects and to spread the results: together with partners, we will promote the projects’ broad range of training and financing tools for the Mediterranean area, as well as advocate enabling policies towards the EU level. Our main activities will be:
The project aims to connect municipal players from the South Board of the Mediterranean Sea (Turkey, Egypt, Lebanon, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco) who are looking for sustainable solutions for the development of their cities, with peers from the North Board (e.g. Greece, Croatia, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal). How can energy savings be achieved in public buildings? How can the energy management in public buildings be improved? Which tools can be used and which partner contacted for future-oriented investments in building renovation? How can onsite local renewable energy production support the regional economy and reduce energy imports?
Six city partnerships will be supported in the implementation of a tool, campaign, process or methodology, developed in a recent Interreg MED Modular project targeted on energy efficiency in public buildings