TOMORROW is a Horizon 2020 funded project, aiming at empowering local authorities to lead the transition towards low-carbon, resilient and more liveable cities. In the framework of the project, six cities will develop 2050 transition roadmaps together with citizens and other local stakeholders and serve as pilot for the transition of European territories.
With the Paris Agreement and the Energy Union objectives, European cities are put in the front-line of the necessary transition towards a more sustainable and liveable future. At the same time, the social demand for a transition towards a resource efficient system and a clean and healthy environment is growing stronger and is already carried on at local level by citizen initiatives.
TOMORROW will support cities implementing innovative forms of governance, based on the concept of transition management, to facilitate and accelerate sustainable transitions through participatory processes of visioning, learning and experimenting. As a result, cities will be empowered to fully play their role of enablers of the local energy transition.
Six pilot cities will develop their transition roadmaps together with their citizens and stakeholders. TOMORROW will support them with innovative engagement processes in order to foster a wide and meaningful participation.
Such processes will be based on a review of existing methodologies and approaches successfully used by some frontrunners cities, called lighthouse, involved in the project. TOMORROW will produce a set of factsheets and methodological guidelines to be used as a toolbox by European cities.
All local authorities in Europe will be targetted through an EU wide campaign to encourage the development of transition roadmaps. TOMORROW’s methodology will be shared with follower cities and an energy transition community of practice will be developed to foster exchange of experiences and share the knowledge generated by the project.
Six pilot cities (Brasov, Brest, Dublin, Mouscron, Niš, Valencia), as project partners, will lead the development of their local transition roadmap.
Energy Cities and DRIFT, the Research Institute on transition and sustainability, will support the pilot cities in the development of their roadmaps.
A pool of lighthouse cities (Växjö, Göteborg, Nantes, Paris, Leuven, Ghent, etc.) with particular experience in citizens/stakeholder engagement and long-term transition strategies, will contribute to the project by sharing their lessons learnt and knowledge.