Unleashing the power of community renewable energy

New EU rights can help you take control of your own energy



Alix Bolle

Publication date

February 14, 2019

A new booklet published by Friends of the Earth, in collaboration with Greenpeace, Rescoop and Energy Cities (all members of the Community Energy Coalition) explains what the EU’s new renewable energy legislation means and how it can help to remove barriers to community and citizen renewable energy.

Community energy production in Europe has huge potential. A recent study found that half of EU citizens – including local communities, schools and hospitals – could be producing their own renewable electricity by 2050, meeting 45% of their energy demand. Now, building on new EU community and citizen energy rights, the potential must be fully unleashed, to put Europe on the path to the needed energy transformation.

The community energy movement has recently received a boost, in the form of improved EU legislation which newly gives communities and individuals the right to generate, store, consume and sell their own energy. But these must now be put into practice in EU Member States.

The publication will help local energy campaigners across Europe, local governments and environmental groups, members of planned or existing energy cooperatives, and citizens to learn about their new rights, what those imply and what they can do to take control of their own energy. It also provides inspiring examples, useful resources and suggestions for action.

Read more:

UNLEASHING THE POWER of community renewable energy

Friends of the Earth Europe and its members in Spain and Hungary – December 2018
With contributions from Greenpeace EU, REScoop.eu and Energy Cities

This booklet is mainly for national and local energy campaigners across Europe, municipal members, local environmental groups, members of planned or existing energy cooperatives, and active citizens.It aims to explain what the EU’s new renewable energy legislation means. Bringing examples from across Europe, it shows how the EU legislation can help to remove barriers to community and citizen renewable energy. Chapter 2 explains the provisions and new rights for community and citizen energy. Chapter 3 lays out the implications for national and local governments. Chapter 4 suggests practical steps and resources for action.