3 questions to: The city of Ialoveni in Moldova


Publication date

October 18, 2024

Ialoveni is know for its wine production and it hosts Moldova’s biggest icecream producer. But there is more to say about this town located in the centre of the Republic of Moldova. The local administration estimates the number of the population being between 20-23.000 people. Green energy and collective action have become one cornerstone of the city’s strategy to become more resilient. Several initiatives led by local people with the support of development partners are ongoing. They include a kindergarten (power by a 20kW PV), street lighting and individual houses powered by the sun and insulated for higher comfort. Community energy is also meant to be driven more by the city administration itself. That is why the city of Ialoveni was one of the fist ones to sign up to the LIFE LOOP accreditation scheme. Ialoveni City Hall was also one of the winners of the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSW) competition

We’ve asked a few questions about their motivation to Tudor Mancas, former Deputy Mayor of Ialoveni and now leading the NGO “Moldius” and working with a team of experts to set up an Implementation Unit of support for Ialoveni City Hall and other local public adminstrations in the district/country.

Your area joined the accreditation scheme even though, as a non-EU country, Moldovan municipalities do not need to set up any energy community. Why is that? What do you expect to get out of the scheme? 

It is also a means to bridge the city’s ambitions with EU standards and required skills. Most local public administrations from Ialoveni District register the highest pro-European  rate in Moldova. Mayors are actively supporting the acting President Maia Sandu, who managed to ensure a lot of support from EU-member countries.

Ialoveni city administration

We expect to have more chances and funding, to ensure stability of the support and resources by establishing an Implementation Unit of Projects. This is what we informally set up at “Moldius” NGO. On the long run we would like to strengthen the capacity to absorb EU funds, mainly in the field of PCM, clean energy, energy efficiency, capacity-building, etc.

What is the current level of experience in community energy in Ialoveni?

We are at the beginning, many activities are implemented involving volunteers.

Who are your local partners for community energy and how do you (plan to) collaborate?

The local public administrations from Ialoveni District do count on the support from “Moldius” NGO: our team helps with capacity-building and mobilizing the active associations and individuals. We also elaborate project proposals to attract external funds, in the context of the challenging regional situation.

NOTE TO OUR READERS: No matter how experienced your municipality is:There is so much to gain in joining the accreditation scheme. You may want to understand where you stand, get more skills into your organisation or use the certificates to show others that you take this topic seriously. Sign up now!