Multi-Level Governance: A Key to EU Climate and Energy Goals



The 18 March 2025 from 14:30 until 18:30


Brussels, Belgium



Multi-level governance was crucial for drafting the National Climate and Energy Plans (NECPs) and will become ever more important in the coming years to implement existing legislation and plans.

EU legislation and in particular the European Green Deal recognizes the essential role of regional and local authorities to meet the objective set by the European Climate Law. Many Directives and Regulations of the “Fit-for-55” package entail objectives and requirements for local and regional authorities (EPBD, EED, RED…). They also foresee dialogues and consultations for policy planning, such as the the Social Climate Plans that Member States are required to submit to the European Commission by June 2025. An increased coordination between different administrative levels, particularly between national governments and regional/local authorities, is therefre crucial to the sucessfull implementation of these plans.

Since 2022, the NECPlatform project has organised more than 30 multi-level energy and climate dialogues in 6 Member States paving the way for additional countries willing to establish and implement Climate and Energy Dialogue platforms. Some of the NECPlatform project experiences clearly showed that these multilevel dialogues are practical solutions for speeding up the implementation of the Green Deal and removing existing obstacles. This final event of the project will be the opportunity to hear and discuss its findings.

Download the agenda.