Supporting Croatian Cities in reaching climate neutrality



The 15 February 2024 from 09:00 until 10:15



The NetZeroCities project supports the EU Mission “100 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030.” It aims at offering support to the 112 Mission Cities selected, but also to all cities in their climate transition journey. Collaboration at national level between cities facing similar challenges and context is key: “alone we go faster, together we go further.”

This webinar will provide Croatian cities the opportunity to better understand what the NetZeroCities project can offer and will serve as a common space to exchange on climate-related topics and envisage common actions. 

To kick-start these discussions, this webinar will quickly present the methodology and the resources developed by NetZeroCities. Then, there will be a brief update on the current EU policy landscape which can provide various opportunities for Croatian cities to collaborate. For example, with the new Energy Efficiency Directive published in September 2023, municipalities with over 45,000 inhabitants must prepare local heating and cooling plans. Another upcoming opportunity for cities could be the Social Climate Fund (SCF), a funding instrument which will finance mobility, energy efficiency and building renovation projects to alleviate energy poverty.

The second part of the webinar will be dedicated to an open discussion so that cities can share their priority topics and identify areas where collaboration amongst them can be further explored. Topics identified will then serve as the basis for continued dialogue in future webinars or in-person workshops. If you are representing a Croatian city, join us to continue your climate journey in a collaborative way!

This webinar will be animated in English by the NetZeroCities partners REGEA and Energy Cities.