High-performance renovation of schools : a toolkit to do much better


Publication date

July 5, 2016

It’s time for summer holidays and school buildings’ renovation! Did you know that thanks to an holistic approach, you can reduce their energy consumption by 75%?

Intended for elected members, their technical departments as well as for building professionnals, the “ZEMedS School Technical & Financial Toolkit” highlights the numerous benefits of an efficient renovation and offers a methodology and specific tools to implement a successful ambitious but realistic renovation project.

When a renovation has an nZEB target, a paradigm shift is needed. Current approaches to increase energy efficiency of schools are no longer appropriate, because energy savings potential is limited. Moreover, many other criteria, i.e. indoor air quality, are traditionally not considered from the beginning of the design phase. The new paradigm needs to be based on a holistic approach and then consider not only energy issues but also other criteria (i.e. global cost, indoor conditions, environmental issues). Current short-term oriented renovations neglect many aspects compared to long-term oriented approaches.

Beyond this toolkit, the ZEMedS project has also published case studies, specification templates, communication tools, and provides a methodologic support to some nZEB renovation projects in Spain, France, Italy and Greece.

The ZEMedS project is coordinated by the Local Energy Agency of Montpellier (France) and was presented in a forum by Vincent Haluska, Councillor in charge of energy efficiency at the City of Montpellier during the latest Annual Conference of Energy Cities in Bornova (Turkey).

Go the the toolkit

See a case study about the renovation of the Salamanque Group school in

See all ZEMedS’ resources on the project’s website

The 2016 “Renovate Europe Day” will focus on how to set the EU vision to achieve Nearly Zero Energy Building (NZEB) standards by 2050 for the building stock.