Since almost 20 years the region of Navarra in the North of Spain pioneers with wind and more and more with solar energy. Now, building an energy community with the regional capital Pamplona as a partner means getting to the next level. This energy community is part of the local government’s climate change strategy for 2030. I wanted to gain a very personal and honest insight into the creation process. And so I’ve invited Juan Eguidazu and Javier Zardoya. One is a cooperative member and the other is working in the city energy agency. 1 story, two perspectives.
Juan and Javier took part in the ECF Collaboration Lab on October 2020 together with delegates from Pamplona and Modena.
The European Climate Foundation (ECF) is an international non-profit organization whose aims are to promote climate and energy policies that reduce Europe’s greenhouse gas emissions and help Europe play a stronger international leadership role in mitigating climate change.