City of Besançon

The City of Besançon and the Grand Besançon, in accordance with the provisions of the draft law of Grenelle 1 on the environment, have drawn up a “Territorial Climate and Energy Plan”, in accordance with the urban planning documents. This work tool reflects the commitment of the City of Besançon and Grand Besançon to the fight against climate change.

In 2015, the year of COP 21 and the French law on energy transition for green growth, the City redefined its energy policy to meet these new and more ambitious objectives and began to develop its Air Climate Energy Strategy.

The City of Besançon has been involved in energy management and the fight against climate change through numerous initiatives:

  • the commitment to the Cit’ergie approach (European Energy Award) and joint implementation with local authorities in Switzerland and Germany;
  • the geographical cradle of the Energy Cities network


City of Besançon is a member of Energy Cities since 1995


119 000 Inhabitants
