City of Paris

The City of Paris wants to drive an ambitious energy and climate transition, supported by its citizens. To this end, in 2018, Paris adopted a new Climate Plan. This roadmap contains more than 500 concrete prerogatives for a reduction of 80% of CO2 emissions by 2050. Its proposals in various fields of action (housing, mobility, energy, food, etc.) will benefit from a budget of €1.65 billion for their implementation. Since April 2022, the Brussels Capital Region is taking part in the European Commission’s initiative “100 EU climate-neutral and smart cities” and has to become smart and neutral by 2030.

Supporting equal access to sustainable housing

The metropolis wants to make its housing more affordable. By 2026, Paris will have sold a thousand flats at half the market price. By 2025, the capital wants 25% of its social housing to be renovated. The city will provide assistance for the energy renovation of private housing (“Eco-renovation Paris” scheme).

Decarboning public transport services

Transport accounts for ¼ of Paris’ carbon emissions. To reach its 2050 objective, Paris has planned to gradually ban combustion engines by 2040.

As an alternative, it encourages car-sharing and the use of bicycles. The city plans to offer aid for the purchase and infrastructure in condominiums (shelters).

Finally, by 2025, children in primary schools will learn cycling. In addition, the public transport offer will be enhanced with river shuttles. By 2020, all of Paris will be accessible with a single mobility pass. To limit pollution peaks, the city will extend the car-free day and the “Paris Respire” scheme.

Involving residents in the energy and climate transition

The new Climate Plan of the City of Paris was co-constructed with its residents. Parisians were able to participate directly in the development of the Climate Plan. They submitted their ideas on the “Mayor, I have an idea” platform.

Twenty-one climate neophytes were also invited to imagine ways to mobilise Parisian society. However, in order for the measures implemented to be effective, the City will provide its support to the population in the change.

A Climate Academy has been created to inform and train 9-to-25-year-olds on climate challenges. Finally, Paris will give more power and means to the mayors of the arrondissements to finance local social initiatives, among other things.

Sources (in French): Official website of the City of Paris; PDF of the Climate Plan of the City of Paris; Restitution of the consultation for a new Climate Plan (2017); Website of the Paris Climate Agency (in English);


City of Paris is a member of Energy Cities since 2004


2 265 884 Inhabitants
