Ettlingen Energy Utility

The german city of Ettlingen is an excellent example of participatory democracy. In line with the Baden-Württemberg region’s 2050 goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 90%, the city is pursuing an ambitious citizen energy policy. To achieve its targets, it is involved within the network in certain European cooperation projects.

For an energetic transition based on citizens’ will

The city finances the initiatives of Stadtwerke Ettlingen (SWE), the municipal energy company which is responsible since 2011 for the production of local energy. The company is also in charge of the supply of water, electricity, natural gas and heat to the city’s households.

Through the citizens’ cooperative BürgerEnergiegenossenschaft Karlsruhe Ettlingen (BEKE), the citizens are taking part in the actions to achieve the 2050 goal. Each resident who is a member of the cooperative can choose to invest in the development of renewable energies in their area.

Ettlingen invests in housing and European cooperation

To also reach the European target of climate neutrality by 2050, the city is not only counting on local energy production and distribution but also on a new housing policy. The city is also planning to construct passive buildings in the next years.

As a member of Energy Cities, since 2015, the small city is involved in collective initiatives with other cities of the network. In the framework of the TANDEM project, Ettlingen participates in various and multiple exchanges of experience with its French twin city Epernay.

Source : The city’s official website ; the municipality Energy Utility official website ; Integrated Climate protection concept for the City of Ettlingen (p. 66)


Ettlingen Energy Utility is a member of Energy Cities since 2015


40 000 Inhabitants