Urban community of Grand Besançon

Grand Besançon is a French urban community constituted around the city of Besançon, prefecture of the Doubs department and headquarters of the Burgundy-Franche-Comté region.

The Grand Besançon has been engaged in a voluntary approach on its territory since 2012. To date, communities of more than 50,000 inhabitants are required to do so. The urban area is therefore pursuing its approach with its 2nd action plan 2015-2019, which integrates the air and biodiversity components, which are inseparable from the climate-air-energy strategy. It also aims to become a positive energy territory by 2050.

For this new Climate Plan planning, priorities are refined with:

  • the amplification of the Grand Besançon’s commitment to the energy renovation of all buildings
  • the rationalisation of travel in the urban area
  • awareness of the need to preserve good air quality (residential and transportation)
  • the involvement of socio-economic actors through the co-implementation of partnership action plans and the preservation of biodiversity

The Greater Besançon Territorial Air Energy Climate Plan is a real territorial policy conducted in a cross-functional manner internally and involving a large number of actors and partners thanks to the mobilisation of all the territories.

The new PCAET action programme is structured in 5 axes, built in a transversal way: Territorial development and foresight, Local authorities’ heritage, Territorial health and resources, Biodiversity and soils, Participatory governance.


Urban community of Grand Besançon is a member of Energy Cities since 2005


160 000 Inhabitants