Congress “Assises européennes de la transition énergétique”

The largest convention for local energy transitioners in France

Jointly organised by the Urban Community of DunkirkBordeaux Métropole, Greater Geneva and ADEME, this annual event gathers more than 3,000 people during 3 days. The target audience is composed of elected officials, public servants as well as representatives from public institutions, private organisations and associations working on the energy transition.

At the “Assises” participants learn about new political and technical solutions from France and abroad. It is also the place to meet peers, benchmark own experiences and initiate new partnerships.

The debates of previous editions stretched from planning and visioning over renewable strategies to energy data collection, digital challenges and rural-urban nexus – just to name a few of the topics.

During these days, local authorities and other participating organisations seize the opportunity for strategic or technical meetings.

The role of Energy Cities

Energy Cities supports the main organisers in setting up the programme. The conference combines plenary sessions, workshops, forums, site visits and social activities.