Social Sciences and Humanities for Climate, Energy aNd Transport Research Excellence

SSH CENTRE is a Horizon Europe project representing the cross-European Centre of Research Excellence for Climate-Energy-Mobility Social Sciences & Humanities (SSH). The project will engage directly with stakeholders across research, policy, and business (including citizens) to strengthen social innovation, SSH-STEM collaboration, transdisciplinary policy advice, inclusive engagement, and SSH communities across Europe, accelerating the EU’s transition to carbon neutrality.

It directly addresses this challenge supporting cross-sectoral collaborations and empowerment of citizens and networks towards the development of socially innovative solutions for the EU’s climate transition.

SSH CENTRE will be based in a range of activities related to Open Science, inclusivity and diversity – especially with regards to Southern and Eastern Europe and different career stages –  including: development of novel collaborations between Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) and Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) to facilitate the delivery of the EU Green Deal; SSH knowledge brokerage to support regions in transition; and the effective design of strategies for citizen engagement in EU Research and Innovationn (R&I) activities.

This project brings together 13 leading organisations from across the EU, including: 3 universities, 4 research institutions, 2 stakeholder network organisations, as well as 4 R&I and communications SMEs.

The partners bring world-leading expertise across SSH and STEM disciplines applied to climate, energy and mobility, covering neutrality, community-led initiatives, heating and cooling, circular economy and sufficiency, and digital technologies.

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