Seven European cities are showing gas the door



Marie Royer

Publication date

December 4, 2020

With the Decarb City Pipes 2050 project, Bilbao, Bratislava, Dublin, Munich, Rotterdam, Vienna and Winterthur are committed to phasing out fossil fuels from urban heating and cooling. Guided by some real heavyweights from the European energy industry, consultancy and policy making on the project’s Advisory Board, these cities will develop actionable, transition roadmaps to energy efficient, zero-carbon heating and cooling sector by 2050.

Decarb City Pipes 2050 – Transition Roadmaps to energy efficient, zero-carbon urban heating and cooling is a 3-year (July 2020 to August 2023) project funded under the Horizon 2020 Energy Efficiency Programme. A kick-off meeting with the Advisory Board was held on 5 November 2020.

Access the full article on the project’s website.

Project Partners


Urban Innovation Vienna is the coordinator. The Cities of Bilbao, Bratislava, Munich, Rotterdam, Vienna, Winterthur and Dublin, represented through its local energy agency Codema are participating in the project. The scientific partners Halmstad (SE) and Utrecht (NL) University support techno-economical and transition-management aspects. Energy Cities is responsible for capacity-building and dissemination to spread the word to more European cities.

Advisory Board:

  • Pallas Agterberg, Head of Strategy and Innovation, Alliander
  • Lisa Fischer, Programme Leader, E3G
  • Sabine Froning, Managing Partner, Communication Works (former GS Euroheat & Power)
  • Kees van der Leun, Director, Guidehouse
  • Andris Piebalgs, Professor, Florence School of Regulation (former EU Energy Commissioner)
  • Els Struiving, Energy Community Paddepoel, Groningen
  • James Watson, Secretary General, Eurogas