The Renovation Wave seen by national energy agencies

Efficient building strategies



Philippe Masset, ADEME
Rui Fragoso, ADENE
Markos Damasiotis, CRES
Giovanni Puglisi, ENEA





This is a policy dialogue around the role of national energy agencies in renovation strategies within the Mediterranean context and with a particular emphasis on public buildings.

The debate is an attempt to find out:

  • how national recovery plans will cover the renovation challenge and how final long-term renovation strategies will look like?
  • how national energy agencies can help design mechanisms to boost investments and support massive public building renovation at regional and local level?
  • what governments can learn from each other?

With high-level speakers from Italy (ENEA), Portugal (ADENE), France (ADEME) and Greece (CRES)

This event is organised by the INTERREG MED Efficient Buildings Community