
Publication date

January 21, 2025

Our Annual Forum 2025 is rapidly approaching, and the programme has finally been unveiled. With plenty of occasions to network and knowledge sharing, it aims to embrace the power of connections and put the work of our members into the spotlight.

The forum is more than a conference, it is the place where municipalities, organisations and individuals can come together, share experiences and forge partnerships to keep advancing in the transition towards climate neutrality. This year will also offer the perfect setting to celebrate Energy Cities’ 35th anniversary.

Three days weaving connections

The forum will take place on the 8th, 9th and 10th of April. The first day will start in the evening with a welcome by our host, the city of Besançon, at the beautiful townhall. It will be followed by a networking cocktail where participants will come together and get ready for the next day.

The second day will be dedicated to the five thematic journeys that will focus on finding collective solutions to achieve fair, greener and healthier cities. Topics will be centred around renewables, local partnerships, co-investment models, circular economy and much more! You will learn about the initiatives Besançon is carrying out and you will be able to share your experience and best-practices with other experts.

The journeys will be divided in two parts: an introduction of the topic and a site visit in the morning and a collective intelligence and a testimonial workshop in the afternoon. The day will be concluded by a short feedback session to exchange views. In the evening, we will celebrate our 35th anniversary with a gala dinner full of surprises!

The third day will kick-off with a plenary session, and it will be followed by three parallel sessions. At the inspiration fair you will learn about the diversity of opportunities our network offers its members. The open mic will give you the chance to share your ideas and experiences and at the matchmaking session you will have the opportunity to explore funding opportunities under EU calls and other funding sources.

At the same time, there will be three parallel Mayor’s Club sessions, reserved for members, which will bring together small groups of local elected representatives to deep dive into specific topics. The day will be finalised with a speech and the closing session.

Get ready for Besançon

As the conference is rapidly approaching, we have gathered all the relevant information in the official Energy Cities Annual Forum website. Visit it and find everything you need to know about the programme, registration, our partners and how to get to Besançon.

Source: Tourisme Besançon

We welcome all our members, partners and other participants to join us and start weaving connections!

If you want to understand what being part of our network means, have a look at the these interviews we have prepared to celebrate our anniversary.

Stay tuned, registrations will open very soon!