Launch of the Exclusive REC / E3G Study #Renovate2Recover, assessing the transformational impact of the National Recovery and Resilience Plans (NRRPs) for buildings, hear from Ministry Representatives about the key aspects in their country’s plans and discuss with MEPs and Ministry Representatives on what needs to happen in the next decade to boost building renovation.
The Study that will be launched assesses the buildings-related elements of NRRP’s in 18 Member States. The aim is to understand whether NRRPs position countries to achieve longer-term targets for more and deeper renovation, and whether NRRPs have the potential to be ‘transformational’ on the path to achieving national goals set out in Long Term Renovation Strategies and EU goals set out in the Renovation Wave strategy. The Study was developed by E3G, bringing its experience of working on the Green Recovery Tracker, and was delivered in close cooperation with Renovate Europe’s National Partners and Campaign Office.