Solar Cities: Above and beyond rooftops



The 14 June 2023 from 14:30 until 15:30


Brussels, Belgium

Cities are at the forefront of the energy transition. With three-fourths of the European population leaving in urban areas, the bulk of energy consumption is happening on cities territory. The population living in city is constantly growing, and together with it the demand for sustainable electricity, transport, heating and cooling. The proximity that cities have with local citizens make them the perfect candidates to foster clean energy deployment.

The aim of this workshop is to present concrete solutions that cities and solar developers can replicate to facilitate the deployment of solar PV at the local level. Join us to learn more about how cities and local authorities can become the next frontier for solar PV projects!

This event is organised by Solar Power Europe in cooperation with:

The event will take place in the framework of the Brussels Urban Summit (BUS).

The BUS. will bring together over 300 cities worldwide and more than 1000 politicians, experts and representatives of civil society to exchange ideas and set the priorities for sustainable, affordable, and liveable cities going forward.