PATH2LC Webinar Series: Governing & Planning the Transition



The 28 September 2021 from 10:30 until 12:00



#1 – Making the EU climate neutral by 2050: how to translate climate neutrality into local strategies?

The Horizon 2020 project “PATH2LC” invites you to a series of 3 webinars to learn and get inspired from local authorities inventing new ways of governing & planning the transition to climate-neutrality.

The goal of the webinars is to showcase concrete alternatives deployed by cities in their climate transition. These online talks will provide spaces to connect, share experiences and provide expertise of how other local authorities have designed and implemented their own local strategies and projects.

To meet the EU’s ambition to become climate neutral by 2050, the European Union and Member States will need to rely on cities and their capacity for mobilisation and innovation. The local strategies to translate climate neutrality and the drivers for action are different from one territory to another. Each territory builds on its own context and invents a new way of doing.

In this first webinar, we will have the opportunity to hear from the SCOT Grand Douaisis, in France, who adopted the concept of sufficiency to become carbon-neutral by 2050. They will also give their feedback on how they raise awareness on energy and climate issues through a serious game. The city of Vitoria-Gasteiz in Spain (tbc), will also share its experience on long-term planning and how they intend to become carbon-neutral by 2050.  

During the second part of the webinar, we will discuss the role of (small) municipalities and their capacity for mobilisation and innovation. Ulysse Blau will share the findings from his project ‘la Route en Commun’ where he interviewed 64 Mayors on their capacity for mobilisation and how they manage resources such as energy and food.

Interested in this event? Register here!

The 3 sessions will be online and will be hosted on the platform TEAMS. To participate, please register for each of the sessions. Next sessions:

What is PATH2LC?

The Horizon 2020 PATH2LC project (Public Authorities together with a holistic network approach on the way to low-carbon municipalities) brings 11 partners from 5 EU countries with the main objective to support municipalities from 5 regions across the EU (Italy, Greece, Portugal, France & the Netherlands) in the design and the implementation of their Sustainable Energy & Climate Action Plan (SECAP).

The project will foster exchange of knowledge and experiences among municipalities, enhance coordination among different administrative bodies within the municipalities, improve cooperation with local stakeholders and civil society and will equip stakeholders in public authorities with required planning and monitoring tools to develop and implement transition roadmaps.