Energy Cities hubs

We, at Energy Cities, are driven by a desire to strengthen the role and skills of local governments. In an effort to constantly improve our work, we are offering our members the possibility to join and contribute to 5 thematic Hubs! The Hubs translate our vision and policy objectives into concrete activities aligned with our Agenda. With the Hubs we aim at structuring our activities around strategic policy objectives to deliver impact and concretely accelerate the urban transitions we need. The Energy Cities Hubs are the community spaces, dedicated to our members, that will help us achieve our target impacts and goals by:

  • activating local leaders to deliver living spaces that are accessible to everyone 
  • empowering local communities to decide on their own future 
  • inspiring a learning community of cities engaged in future-proofing their economies

We have identified 5 action-oriented Hubs around which we will organise all future activities:

For each Hub, we will provide four types of activities to our members:

  • WHAT’S EUP to ensure that our members are up to date and informed about the latest EU policy development. How?
    • Policy briefs for Mayors and local politicians
    • Key updates on major EU policy files and activities linked to the topic addressed by the Hub
  • MAYORS’ VOICES to foster an atmosphere of mutual trust in the dialogue between citizens, local leaders, EU and national authorities. How? 
    • High level meetings with EU Commissioners and policy influencers at EU level
    • Policy papers and discussion of concrete proposals for the topic(s) addressed by the Hub
    • Policy discussions between Mayors
  • TRANSITION LEADERS PROGRAMME to encourage our members to go the extra mile! How? 
    • Online learning modules including tools, guidance, webinars etc.
    • In-person training, capacity building sessions, summer schools alike etc.
    • Peer-to-peer learning sessions, field trips, exchanges among members…
  • MARKETPLACE to facilitate our members access to EU funding. How?
    • Info events and match-making sessions on major EU funding programmes
    • Updated news and information on EU calls
    • Networking events and exchange moments

Energy Cities’ members can join and benefit, free-of-charge, from all the activities of these five Hubs, aligned with our intervention systems and impact targets.

What changes for you?

All our activities will be organised around our 5 Hubs. Concretely, this means that our city members will have more than one representative part of Energy Cities. According to their interest and expertise, members can have staff joining several Hubs. Members of each Hub will be able to contact other members of that same hub via our community platform.

Our communication will be more targeted: members of each Hub will receive regular updates on that Hub’s topic only, to avoid being overwhelmed with information.

Ready to embark on this new adventure?

Our members are diverse cities united by the ambition and the commitment to share experiences. Our strength lies in our members’ strong commitment to reach climate neutrality in their territories by 2050 and to align their local strategic development with the Paris Agreement. Building a learning community is a tool that helps each of our members feel more confident in their own transition journey, because other cities have done it before, or because cities can test new solutions together.

By joining our Hubs, you become part of our learning community of local practitioners with different backgrounds and fields of expertise: political representatives, technicians and city officers, all sharing the same vision. We foster an atmosphere of mutual trust in the dialogue between citizens, local leaders and EU and national institutions to accelerate the transformation towards a fairer, climate-neutral Europe. We commit to energising and ensuring the visibility of our vibrant community.