The case for a permanent climate and energy dialogue with cities

A joint briefing to highlight best practices of multilevel governance


Publication date

March 26, 2018

Despite the increasing involvement and growing political weight of local actors in European climate and energy discussions, notably through the Covenant of Mayors, these front-runners do not have a permanent political structure which recognises and facilitates their contribution in each Member State.

The European Parliament supports the creation of “Multilevel Climate and Energy Dialogue Platforms” which would help Member States to build their National Plans on the ambition and proven experiences of local authorities. These Platforms would allow a permanent national dialogue between local authorities, civil society organizations, the business community, investors and other relevant stakeholders. All of them would be consulted by national governments when drafting their Integrated National Energy and Climate Plans (NECP) as well as their Long-Term Climate and Energy Strategies, but also in the monitoring and reviewing process.

A permanent dialogue on climate and energy would deliver:

Continuous political support: the energy transition requires a democratic mandate. This mandate should evolve over time to address new challenges.

– Feedback loops: delivery agents sometimes face unexpected consequences – there should be a feedback loop from them to the policy-makers to help delivering the energy transition and ensure the delivery of the targets.

Shared responsibility: the Transition is broader and more complex than adopting policies. It is first and foremost a collective journey in which everyone should play a part.

Better implementation: a continuous dialogue with stakeholders will ensure the adequate and swift implementation of policies.

Read the joint briefing and find out what The Netherlands, France and Sweden are already doing to support multilevel governance in the energy sector!