A genius from Transylvania

Sustainable Energy University

Brasov is located in the central part of Romania. It has 286,000 inhabitants and is a signatory of the Covenant of Mayors – a voluntary commitment of local and regional authorities to reduce their CO2 emissions by at least 20% by 2020. This action is an integral part of the city’s Sustainable Energy Action Plan.

The Green Energy Independent University Campus Project (GENIUS) started in 2009 with the financial support of the Operational Programme “Increase of Economic Competitiveness” and shall be finalised by 2012.

Innovation, sustainability and education

GENIUS will comprise an area of 30ha of university buildings and student facilities – library, IT room, swimming pool, gym, mini foot-ball and tennis court. All buildings are being constructed in low energy standard and will integrate a mix of optimised sustainable energy measures and renewable energy technologies, along with smart grid solutions. This is a “live laboratory” for students and researchers focused on R&D and innovation in the field of sustainable energy. The site has been conceived by the researchers and students from the Civil Engineering Faculty of the University of Transylvania with the aim to become a national and European leader in the field of sustainable energy research and high-tech products development and innovation.

Reduction and control of energy consumption

The most interesting aspects of the project are the integrated management of energy production & consumption, including the renewable energy systems and the outdoor testing facilities focusing on PV, solar-thermal systems, heating pumps, small wind turbines and low energy buildings. Low energy bills will have a positive impact on the university’s budget and reduce the fees for student accommodation. The campus will offer high-level quality education, opportunity for “learning by doing” and socialising within a highly innovative and inspirational environment.

Project developers and coordination:

Transylvania University of Brasov, National Research Agency, Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sport and the Romanian Regional Development Agency.

