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In France, a specific one-stop shop model shakes up the deep energy renovation market

In France, a specific one-stop shop model shakes up the deep energy renovation market

In France, Third-Party Financing companies set up by five regions and metropolis are a real game-changer for homeowners aspiring to deep energy renovation.


The five French Third-Party Financing companies, a specific one-stop shop model for home energy renovation, provide technical and financial solutions to homeowners aspiring to deep […]
Learn on innovative financing for your local energy & climate projects!

Learn on innovative financing for your local energy & climate projects!

PROSPECT+, capacity building for cities & regions, launches its final call!


Apply to this learning programme which also offers some community energy skills building. It is tailored to enhance local and regional actions in the field of energy efficiency of public and private buildings, public lighting, transport, and cross-sectoral actions such as local energy production.
Thriving regions, stronger Europe

Thriving regions, stronger Europe

Energy Cities' top picks at the EU Week of Regions & Cities 2023


From community energy to urban regeneration, heating decarbonisation and financing our events during the European Week of Regions and Cities offer great learning and networking […]
Fostering urban regeneration for a more people-centered society

Fostering urban regeneration for a more people-centered society

Join our sessions in Modena for insights on how to bring abandoned urban areas back to life and give public space back to citizens


Join our sessions in Modena for insights on how to bring abandoned urban areas back to life and give public space back to citizens
Rethinking the criteria for assessing “sound” budgetary management at the local level to initiate the ecological shift

Rethinking the criteria for assessing “sound” budgetary management at the local level to initiate the ecological shift

Municipalities and inter-municipal groupings need to devote significant, targeted budgetary resources in a context of increasing scarcity of public funds. 


By Anthony Poulin, Deputy Mayor of Besançon in charge of finance, public procurement, sustainable development and coordination of resilience actions We need to rethink the […]
Join a unique capacity-building programme on innovative financing!

Join a unique capacity-building programme on innovative financing!

H2020 PROSPECT+ is launching its third call for applications. Don’t miss the opportunity!


Would you like to explore new ways of financing your energy and climate measures? Would you like to learn about energy performance contracting, municipal green […]
Poland is paving the road with thousands of LED luminaries

Poland is paving the road with thousands of LED luminaries

In Poland, several entities are driving a Smart Energy Performance Contracting (Smart EPC) transformation.


With wide experience in the fields of designing, implementing and financing projects, including energy efficiency and renewable energy measures, IPOPEMA is coordinating the Smart-EPC piloting […]
Wanted: Experts to support municipalities in their energy & climate investments

Wanted: Experts to support municipalities in their energy & climate investments

The European City Facility is looking for Country Experts and National Hubs


The European City Facility is looking for Country Experts and National Hubs to support local authorities in the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Finland, Iceland, […]
In France, improvement of energy efficiency through public lighting is a priority


With the soaring costs of energy, public lighting (which is one of the main areas of expenditure for local authorities) has been identified as a […]
“Our main challenges are currently the massification of energy renovation and the guarantee of the quality of works.”


Interview with Alice Morcrette, Director of “Hauts-de-France Pass Rénovation” – the regional integrated home energy renovation service. At least one good thing has come out […]

Projects All projects

EU Peers

EU Peers

Building the European community of practice for Integrated Home Renovation Services
EU Peers

Integrated Home Renovation Services (IHRS) offer holistic solutions for home renovations and are part of the enabling framework breaking barriers to renovation. The overall objective […]

EU City Facility

EU City Facility

Financial support and services to cities’ sustainable energy projects
EU City Facility

Municipalities, local authorities and local public entities have a tremendous potential to build comprehensive sustainable investment programmes. They can also  play a key role in […]



Capacity building for cities and regions - from learning to action!

A capacity-building programme on innovative financing, by and for EU cities and regions



Office of Renovations and Financings for Energy Efficiency

The European Union wants to achieve a zero-emission building stock by 2050 and local one-stop shops (OSS) for home energy renovation are key to achieving […]