Vienna has a well-established Smart City Framework Strategy putting an emphasis on citizen’s participation and life quality in addition to more “traditional” technology driven approaches.
The Smarter Together project demonstration area – Simmering – has a total of 21 000 inhabitants that will benefit from smart project solutions within the fields of refurbishment, energy, mobility and information and communication technologies.
Vienna has a strong governance tradition with well-established structured dialogue with citizens, including a series of institutions dealing with the dialogue. This participation dialogue (beyond democratic elections etc.) goes from simple information up to co-creation processes.
The Vienna project coordination office is anchored in the department MA 25 (as leader) as well as in a series of other departments. In the preparatory phase of project development in 2015 it has developed an institutional structure of dialogue and cooperation that allows relevant staffing and networking within the City of Vienna structures that are relevant for internal as well as external communication and for managing citizen’s participation.
In the project area, the major locally anchored partner in regard to citizen’s participation is the Local Urban Renewal Office (Gebietsbetreuung Stadterneuerung GB* 3/11) with skilled staff and an established local network.
A series of primary and secondary schools are established in the project area, amongst which the NMS Enkplatz I+II (Secondary school with focus on arts and on sports). As such, an inclusive collaboration with the teachers and pupils has been agreed upon in order to make pupils become ambassadors of the Smart City message of Smarter Together. The population of the school is very mixed and reflects the societal diversity.