Travel Transitions: Responding to Shifting Mobility Trends



The 20 September 2021 from 10:00 until 11:00

This online event will share insights from the International Transport Forum report “Travel Transitions: How Transport Planners and Policy Makers Can Respond to Shifting Mobility Trends“, produced by ITF Working Group on Urban Travel Transition and New Mobility Behaviours in Light of Covid-19.

Travel behaviour has evolved in unexpected ways in urbanised areas in the early 21st century. The report examines how significant breaks with past trends happened – and why these shifts were not foreseen. The Covid-19 pandemic adds to uncertainty about future demand to travel. Forecast-led transport planning is not well equipped to handle uncertainty. The report presents new approaches which explicitly address uncertainty, are vision-led and enable the development of resilient plans. It also considers how governance and institutions can be adapted to support such a paradigm shift.