Urban Lunch Talk #15 – Taking action in capacity building for sustainable futures



The 04 December 2020 from 13:00 until 14:00

A webinar organised by JPI Urban Europe

What are the capacities needed to drive urban transitions to sustainable futures? Past decades have presented the knowledge and technical expertise to build more sustainable urban areas – but what are the prerequisites or strategies for going from ambition to transition? This Urban Lunch Talk will start with two brief result presentations by projects in the Making Cities Work call. Following the presentations, invited guests will exchange knowledge and give examples of capacities needed to drive urban transitions. Are there experiences, guidelines and approaches to learn from? Registered participants to this event can listen to invited guests and participate via the chat and the polls. At the end of the event, the chat will remain open for 15 more minutes and participants will be invited to a Slack channel for continued self-organised chat and exchange. Representatives from the upcoming call for project proposals ERA-NET Cofund Urban Transformation Capacities (ENUTC) will be available for questions about the call in the webinar chat.