Towards a just transition in the European Union

Discover the funding streams and lessons learnt in this new briefing


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Just Transition Fund

The Just Transition Fund (JTF) is a new financial instrument within the EU Cohesion Policy (2021-2027). It has been designed to support territories facing serious socio-economic challenges connected to the transition to climate neutrality, like traditional coal regions. The fund is related to the climate-neutral targets of the European Green Deal. It should guarantee that this transition does not exacerbate regional disparities in the EU. As part of the Just Transition Mechanism (JTM), the Commission set up a Just Transition Platform (JTP) to help countries and regions access the support available and share good practices. The JTF represents 5% of the total budget of the Cohesion Policy, around EUR 19.2 billion. An additional EUR 25.4 billion is expected come from mobilised investment.

The Commission determines which territories are eligible for funding, in dialogue with each EU Member State. Then the national governments have to draft Territorial Just Transition Plans (TJTP), in consultation with regional and local stakeholders.

Learn more about some of the plans and how to make sure they set the scene for a just transition at local level.