Behind LIFE LOOP lies an incredibly skilled and committed multi-national team of over 30 people. We come from 8 countries and combine knowledge from different strands: energy cooperatives and cities, with expertise in the topic both on EU and local levels. It’s this diversity that helps us foster powerful city-citizen connections and turn collective ideas into lasting impacts. LIFE LOOP is coordinated by Energy Cities which is backed by the management group composed of, ZEZ and Electra Energy cooperative. Local and national on-the-ground action is driven by 6 cities and 5 energy cooperatives.
The three pilots will share their experience with Gabrovo in Bulgaria, Ussaramanna and Villanovaforru in Italy, Nicosia in Cyprus and Tulcea in Romania. Those “satellites” will closely follow the pilot activities and will be supported in setting their own community energy targets and making own projects come true. And as we want to spread the energy community fever, we’ll work with associated partners in Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia, Kosovo and North Macedonia.