LIFE LOOP – Local Ownership Of Power

We support cities and citizens in creating their energy community.

3 questions to: The city of Ioannina in Greece

Ioannina lies in northwestern Greece and counts around 112.000 inhabitants. The city is home to a number of very active residents who want to protect the pristine nature that surrounds Ioannina while producing sustainable energy.
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3 questions to: The city of Ialoveni in Moldova

Green energy and collective action have become one cornerstone of the city’s strategy to become more resilient. Several initiatives led by local people with the support of development partners are ongoing. They include a kindergarten (power by a 20kW PV), street lighting and individual houses powered by the sun and insulated for higher comfort. Community energy is also meant to be driven more by the city administration itself.
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3 questions to: The city of Zadar

The city is striving to becoming a greener and more sustainable town with a high quality of life for its citizens and visitors. Producing energy locally and together with residents and companies is one way to get closer to the overall aim.
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Community-building with coffee beans and roof tops

An energy system with strong participation from everyone is still something new to citizens as much as it is to SMEs or local administrations. Guess what? We have a set of tools that can help local governments understanding the community energy concept and allocating  their resources towards the right actions! Espresso is one of them.
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Walking on sunshine 🎶

What better place than sun-filled Valencia, to talk about community-driven renewable projects! What better group of people, than the hundreds of city-makers that gathered in this dynamic Spanish city for Energy Cities’ Annual Forum End of June.
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Always look on the bright side…

On June 21st, European Solar Day highlights the power and potential of the sun. Two energy cooperatives, Cooperativa de Energia (Romania) and Zelena Energetska Zadruga (Green Energy Cooperative) (Croatia), joined the celebrations. As technical partners of the pioneering LIFE LOOP project, both organisations are helping cities and citizens harness the power of the sun for community benefit. Their inspirational stories are featured in the Solar Saves campaign by Solar Power Europe.
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It’s all in one spot: One-stop-shops

Citizens and businesses may have the motivation to reduce their energy bill or to produce their own electricity. Often enough, though, they don’t know where to start, where to funding, which technologies to use. The first and best step is to meet an impartial expert who can guide and advice. The people working at Urban Innovation Vienna, the climate and innovation agency of the Austrian capital, recently shared their experience of setting up and running their “One Stop Shop”.
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Want energy communities? Push the LOOP button!

The recent EU election results may want you to defend democratic energy (and other) initiatives even more? Inspiration and hope come from cities like Zagreb, Bistrita and from places like Crete in Greece. The local authorities and citizen organisations there are set to achieve their sustainable energy plans and strategies by catalysing new community energy initiatives. Being part of the LIFE LOOP project, they all focused on the first big milestone: Drafting a Community Energy Roadmap.
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From virtual net metering to community agri-PV projects

CommonEN in the North-West of Greece creates local, renewable energy projects, co-designed and co-owned by local people and together with the municipality of Ioannina. And energy sharing through virtual net metering was “just” the start.
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Match made in heaven: “Once you have it, it’s beautiful”!

The recent “Match made in heaven” workshop provided an excellent opportunity toward fostering better understanding and cooperation between municipalities and community energy projects. It underscored the importance of training, clear communication, and the need for resilient structures that can withstand the vicissitudes of political change.
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Assessing your municipality’s community energy support

Navigating the complex landscape of energy communities can be challenging for municipalities. To empower your local administration and enhance its community energy initiatives, we’ve brewed up something special – the self-assessment tracker. This tool serves as a compass, guiding your municipality towards a more robust and comprehensive engagement with community energy. 
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Learn on innovative financing for your local energy & climate projects!

Apply to this learning programme which also offers some community energy skills building. It is tailored to enhance local and regional actions in the field of energy efficiency of public and private buildings, public lighting, transport, and cross-sectoral actions such as local energy production.
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What makes an energy community inclusive?

Very often, still, energy community members have that same profile: they are white, well educated, male…And still, citizen and community energy is meant to be open to all! How can we get to a stronger diversity? What is missing to make it appealing to all groups of society, no matter their gender, race, religion, income, condition?
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Why are local governments key to community energy?

There are so many ways through which local governments can support and kick-off energy communities. From Bulgaria to Belgium, city leaders demonstrate what is possible. This article sums up some of the great options!
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Solar energy tour: from neighborhood to neighbourhood

More than 80% of Croatians are yet to embrace renewable energy and a staggering 90% are unfamiliar with how to get permits for electricity self-production. Last November, the ZEZ team went on a mission to inform residents in Zagreb about the possibilities of citizen-led solar energy.
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Learning from Leuven in Belgium

Since it launched its energy community LICHT Leuven, the Belgian city Leuven has become quite an expert on city-citizen collaboration. Read this interview with Jasmien Jossart and Eline Evers, Energy coaches and consultants at the City of Leuven and with Christina Vogt, who is in charge of Communication & community management at Ecopower.
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Looking back at a year of community energy workshops

December, time to take stock: Over the past year, the LIFE LOOP journey has been marked by several in-person and online workshops, where partners shared knowledge about the benefits and practicalities of community energy.
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Fostering gender-diverse energy communities

Gender equality is a value the LIFE LOOP team is strongly defending and that will flow into each and every new energy community we are about to establish in our pilot and satellite cities! Here’s a brief overview of’s ‘gender power’ work.
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Best practice guide for community energy in South-East Europe

Citizens in the Balkan region have started testing renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies and adapting the concept of community energy in their context, improving in this way their local environment and livelihoods. Some of them do so in partnership with their local governments, notably those who are also partner in the LIFE LOOP project.
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Local Authorities Advancing Community Energy: A manifesto

Local authorities must play a leading role in driving a local, equitable transition. There is a great window of opportunity that local governments must seize. That is why the LIFE LOOP team, including cities and cooperatives, calls on local leaders to abide by the main pillars of this brand new Manifesto.
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Stubborn optimism pays off!

One of the ingredients we brought back from a study visit to the most innovative energy community actions in Austria and Vienna was this: stubborn optimism. One day is far too short to dive into the various citizen-focused energy projects that exist in the country. It was enough, though, to get a glimpse of how Austrians design their solar future in a collaborative way.
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They are all in!

Sasha from Serbia, Sandy from Greece, Anna from Croatia…what do they have in common? They all decided that they wanted to make energy a collective and fun activity while contributing to something bigger.
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Energy communities explained

We were invited to the Watt Matters podcast to talk about “neighbourhood watts”. Listen to Anna Francis, LIFE LOOP project manager from Energy Cities, to hear about the power and magic that lie behind energy communities.
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Strengthening Partnerships: Community Energy Roadmaps for Local Ownership of Power

How can we foster collaboration between citizen energy cooperatives and local municipalities, empowering communities to jointly develop impactful community energy projects? During the recent Community Energy Spring Gathering in Athens,, with the support of Energy Cities organised a workshop to tackle that question by means of community energy roadmaps for local ownership of power.
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Citizens and local authorities: converging views on local renewable energy projects?

A brandnew report has been released, identifying the existing diverse capital of energy communities and presenting the current barriers and opportunities for the collaborative development of energy communities with municipal involvement. It’s based on findings from a survey that targeted people involved in energy cooperatives or communities as well as local municipalities.
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Save the Date: Community Energy Spring Gathering 2023

The ongoing crisis is highlighting the need to strengthen and live our democratic values if we are to create a healthy and resilient society in our region and beyond. Join the cooperative movement for a great event beginning of May in Athens.
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Do you want to launch a city-citizen partnership in your own area or share experience or tools on community energy with others? Drop a line.