Structural Funds for Sustainable energy

Learn about 10 successful sustainable energy projects co-financed through Structural Funds

Among the most important elements of sustainable energy are renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainable transport.
Sustainable energy projects have proven positive social and environmental benefits for the regions and cities of Europe. Developing these alternatives are the most promising effort we can make to mitigate man-made climate change and reduce hazardous pollution, enhance local and regional energy independence, stimulate world-class high-tech industries and create thousands of new jobs.

SF Energy Invest helps to improve the political and practical framework conditions for sustainable energy investments in the Structural and Cohesion Funds upcoming programming period 2014 – 2020.

How does Structural Funds work?

At EU level, SF are centrally managed by the European Commission (DG Regio). The EC negotiates and approves the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) proposed by the Member States, and allocates resources.

Each Member State prepares Operational Programmes (OP) that specify in detail the priorities and available budget for which SF can be used.

For each OP the Member State appoints a Managing Authority which is responsible for managing the SF on the regional or national level.

Investments flowing into sustainable energy are thus of strategic importance for the development of marginal-ized cities and regions. All sustainable energy projects presented in this brochure have success strategies in common: use of innovative technologies, financing secured with the help of Structural Funds and sustainable benefits for the local population.

