This webinar is organised in the framework of the Infinitesolution project.
The principle of “Internal Contracting” has proven to be particularly relevant in enabling investments in energy saving projects for the public sector. A revolving efficiency fund is set up within a municipality’s budget in order to invest in energy savings projects.
The cities of Stuttgart (Germany) and Agueda (Portugal) share their experience in this webinar.
Agenda of this webinar :
Nino Schäfer, Stuttgart – the principal of Internal Contracting : Functionality of a revolving fund , Approach and solutions
Celia Laranjeira, Agueda : Setting up an Internal Contracting Scheme : Implementation of a revolving fund, Milestones and Experiences
Nino Schäfer : Stuttgart, 20 years of experience with internal Contracting
Peter Schilken, Energy Cities : Outlook