Science-based targets setting

Climate ambition and scoping



Jan Aerts, KU Leuven
Frédéric Boyer, Energy Cities
Karine Hertzberg, City of Oslo
Jonny Sadler, Manchester Climate Change





Developing and adopting a long-term strategy for climate and energy transition or towards climate neutrality requires to develop some science-based strategies or scenarios. There are different approaches and tools to fixing targets and tracking the progress made along the years. They include “carbon budget”, “climate-proofed budget” among others.

The aim of this webinar is to get some hands-on knowledge on some “science-based” approach to fix climate ambition and delineating the scopes of the policies to be included in a long-term transition roadmap.

More specifically, this webinar will allow participants to learn about:

  • The Carbon-Budget of the City of Manchester
  • The climate-budget of Olso
  • The “science-based target setting of Leuven