Local governance from A to Z

Positive glossary of the energy transition

This publication invites you to discover the multiple facets of a collaborative city from A-Z, based on our over 25 years’ experience of what works well in Europe.
The list is, of course, not exhaustive as the beauty of energy transition is the wide and unlimited field of possibilities that it opens up! What it is proposing however is a change of perspective. As the energy landscape is undergoing radical change, from a once hierarchical and monopolistic system to a more distributed and decentralised one, so too should the decision-making architecture.

26 letters, 26 concepts: test them out and scale them up! As a policy-maker, you can get inspired by this positive glossary and write new locally-driven stories to deliver
the vision of low energy territories with high quality of life for all!

A – Agency (Local Energy and Climate)

A true collaborative city needs to develop places where it can interact with its citizens and local stakeholders to drive the energy transition. A local energy and climate agency is an effective way of creating these links. Such a local team of energy and climate experts will recommend best energy management practices for the local community. This can range from information and guidance through to coordinating partners in specific projects.

…inspired by Brasov (Romania)
Thanks to its dynamic and committed local energy management agency, ABMEE, created in 2003, the Romaniancity of Brasov has rapidly defined its energy policy and pioneered sustainable development in the new Member States. ABMEE not only raises awareness through measures such as educating children about soft mobility, but also provides technical assistance and advice and promotes sustainable development among local communities.

Z – Zero (carbon)

The low-energy city of the future is a city powered by local, renewable energy. The shift to clean and local energy such as the sun or the wind spells the end, sooner or later, of carbon-based energy forms. National, local and regional governments around the world are proving that 100% renewable – in close conjunction with energy efficiency – is technically doable, economically profitable and has lots of social advantages.

… inspired by Frederikshavn (Denmark)
Fredrikshavn municipality has developed a strategy plan that aims towards a 100% renewable energy supply and optimum energy consumption for the municipality by 2030. The plan sets out a development strategy for a diverse but coherent renewable energy sys-tem, which is based on the three main energy sources of biomass, waste and wind. It is founded on strong and flexible partnerships that mobilise and motivate every local stakeholder.