Accelerating Condominium Energy Retrofitting

CoachCopro, the approach developed by the Paris Climate Agency

Paris Climate Agency (PCA) is a non-for-profit organisation created with the support of the city of Paris. With a neutral position, its mission is to establish more connections between owners and building professionals to support the development of successful renovation work plans. For this purpose, PCA developed a comprehensive approach which provides both target groups with advice and trainings. The approach is based on an online collaborative platform composed of a public website and a private back office which is the monitoring platform. In this case study, you will learn about the different activities developed by PCA who also share some tips to start such an approach!

Key figures

Since the platform has been launched, at the Parisian scale, there have been 2 276 condominiums registered on CoachCopro (105 007 dwellings), 545 masterplans voted (€3 710 600 all taxes included), 175 condominiums which voted retrofitting works (€84 500 000 all taxes included) Also, PCA assisted 446 condominiums (representing 28,116 households) to receive the support of the Eco-Rénovons Paris Programme which provides condominiums with a free assistance and additional subsidies.

There are 280 affiliated companies to CoachCopro platform in the Paris metropole. 60% of French condominiums are located on a territory covered by CoachCopro platform, as this platform is a transferable tool already used by 22 local authorities in France, representing 200 energy advisers.

Read the full story attached to learn more about how the Paris Climate Agency gathered condominium owners and building profesionnals.