Local Energy Communities and Their Contribution to the EU Green Deal : FIWARE Energy DAY – Edition 2



The 28 January 2021 from 16:00 until 18:00

With the “Clean Energy Package for All European”, the European Union has formally recognised these new players as “Citizens’ energy communities”, paving the way for the removal of all regulatory barriers impeding their participation in energy marketplaces and opening new opportunities for entities that will be managing the orchestration of the services necessary for the industry to operate in the future.

For the last few years, FIWARE Foundation has been supporting local energy communities, utilities, and energy services providers in pursuing innovation, and with the second edition of the FIWARE Energy DAY, it aims to present a programme featuring world-renowned speakers and experts, showcasing a series of exciting case studies demonstrating how easily local energy communities can develop and integrate new, innovative services in the grid.