
Strengthening multilevel governance in national energy and climate policies

News from NECPlatform

External articles

NECPlatform – first dialogues and resources available, get up-to-speed on how to strengthen multilevel governance in national energy and climate policies!

The LIFE NECPlatform project, kicked off late 2022, aims at supporting six EU Member States (Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Italy, Portugal, and Romania) transition to climate neutrality by setting-up and managing permanent multi-level Climate and Energy Dialogue (CED) Platforms in line with Article 11 of the Energy Union Governance Regulation.

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NECPlatform – Collaboration is key. For a well-played score, let all the musicians come together and dialogue!

The objective of NECPlatform is to reinforce the national policy frameworks of the six target countries to design an inclusive governance model that in the future could be replicated in other Member States.

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Takeaways from the REGILIENCE training session on multi-level governance on adaptation

In a report released in March 2024, the European Environment Agency lists 36 major climate risks for Europe, for which we need to prepare. Extreme heat, drought, wildfires, and flooding, as experienced in recent years, will worsen in Europe even under optimistic global warming scenarios and affect living conditions throughout the continent.

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NECPs: meeting the deadlines while ensuring dialogue challenging for Member States

The first versions of EU Member States’ National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) were submitted in 2020 as part of the Energy Union governance process: the European Commission pointed out in the first assessment of the plans that the NECPs had not involved local and regional authorities and stakeholders as they should have.

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NECPlatform – 9 months to go! Where do we stand in setting up multi-level dialogue platforms in six Member States?

Within the NECPlatform LIFE project, six Member States (Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Italy, Portugal and Romania) were supported in setting up such dialogues. Upon meeting in Lisbon to join the country’s 3rd CED, each country (and partner) provided updates on where they stand in the target of setting up the 6 dialogue platforms.

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The Role of Municipalities in National Energy and Climate Plans – NECPlatform partner OER at P-TECC 2024

In July 2024, OER, partner in the NECPlatform project, had the opportunity to participate in the fifth meeting of the Partnership for Transatlantic Energy and Climate Cooperation (P-TECC).

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New policy brief, highlighting the benefits of multilevel governance processes to meet EU and Member States’ climate and energy targets

This policy brief aims to highlight the benefits of multilevel governance processes, specifically the Climate and Energy Dialogues (CED), to meet EU and Member States’ climate and energy targets.

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