Over the past months, almost 200 local/regional authorities and agencies got to exchange and learn about innovative mechanisms to finance their sustainable energy and climate projects through the PROSPECT peer-to-peer learning programme. This publication compiles several success stories that came out of the programme.

With this new publication, PROSPECT partners have selected cities and regions that planned to develop and launch sustainable energy and climate action projects using innovative schemes in their own local contexts. Specifically, they have focused on participants who, after engaging in peer to peer learning, have transformed these experiences to specific learning outcomes , namely cognitive change, relational change, skill development, action orientation, and wider capacities.

This booklet is written for cities and regions interested in the learning journey of peer-powered cities and regions on the topic of innovative financing schemes for sustainable energy and climate action projects.

Inside, you will read about the journeys of:

  • OÖ Energiespervand (mentor), S.ENERGIA and Trnava (mentees) on Energy Performance Contracting for Public lighting and public buildings;
  • AGENEAL (mentor) and the municipality of Heerlen on innovative financing mechanisms for energy efficiency and renewable energy;
  • ENERGAP (mentor), LENERG and the city of Koekelberg (mentees) on EPC and PPP for public lighting and public buildings.