Energy cities hubs

The Energy Cities Hubs are our community spaces to activate, empower and inspire local leaders towards a climate-neutral Europe

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27 Mar - 28 Mar

Siemens Real Estate, Otto-Hahn-Ring 6, 81739 Munich-Ramersdorf-Perlach, Germany

Creating NEBourhoods for Tomorrow

One of the six flagship projects of the EU initiative New European Bauhaus (NEB), invites you to its final conference on 27 and 28 March 2025 […]

31 Mar

European Consensus on Fast & Fair Renewables & Grids

The Fast and Fair Principles for Renewables & Grids present a solution for this; these baseline principles constitute the first European consensus on fairness between […]

01 Apr

CoolLIFE Training: Tools and Strategies for Sustainable Space Cooling

Join this hands-on training on the CoolLIFE Tool and Knowledge Hub designed to support policymakers, urban planners, and building professionals in optimizing space cooling solutions. This interactive […]

01 Apr

Webinar: Supporting municipalities and cities to draw future-proof heating and cooling plans

Cities and municipalities are at the forefront of the energy transition. Decarbonising the heating and cooling sectors presents one of the biggest challenges and opportunities […]

08 Apr - 10 Apr

Besançon, France

Energy Cities Annual Forum 2025

The city of Besançon, the place of birth of Energy Cities, will host our annual forum on the 8th, 9th and 10th April 2025. This […]

24 Apr

Fourmies, France

La REV3 de Fourmies: 10 ans d’actions pour la Transition

Métamorphoser son territoire en un temps record en misant sur les transitions écologiques, énergétiques, sociétales et numérique, c’est possible! Venez découvrir comment la petite ville […]

06 May - 08 May

LITEXPO, Vilnius, Vilnius City Municipality, Lithuania

Cities Mission Conference 2025: Harnessing City Successes

The fourth edition of the Cities Mission Conference 2025 will be held in Vilnius, Lithuania on 6-8 May 2025 with the theme “Harnessing City Successes: Advancing Climate Action for 2030”, to spotlight the progress and ambition of Mission Cities and their partners as they strive to achieve climate neutrality by 2030. 

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1090 results displayed
The EUCityCalc learning programme: design your city’s transition pathway

The EUCityCalc learning programme: design your city’s transition pathway

Use your city’s data to compare measures, create scenarios, and make informed policy decisions


Would you like to know whether a new policy proposal on public transport will help reduce GHG emissions in your city? Would you need to […]
Welcome to Develop Athens SA, Pays Basque urban community and Lizzanello

Welcome to Develop Athens SA, Pays Basque urban community and Lizzanello

Energy Cities welcomes three new members and continues to weave connections between European cities


Energy Cities is proud to welcome new members, and we look forward to meeting at our next annual forum in April in Besançon! Athens – […]
Housing rights: Utrecht’s challenges and solutions

Housing rights: Utrecht’s challenges and solutions

Utrecht is calling for funds to provide affordable housing to vulnerable people, the younger generation and the middle-class


Utrecht is the fastest-growing city in The Netherlands, a place that strives to provide a high-quality life to its inhabitants. It is developing from a […]
Think you involve your citizens? Think again.

Think you involve your citizens? Think again.

Join us for a one-day reflection and discovery of the many facets of local democracy


As much as a company benefits from listening to its employees, local government action becomes so much more effective when knowing and involving stakeholders of […]
Empathy in Action: A serious game for inclusive Energy Communities

Empathy in Action: A serious game for inclusive Energy Communities

Transforming how we build fair and equitable energy futures


Imagine a city where everyone can benefit from clean energy. Today, we may still be far from that reality, with only a few citizens benefitting […]