Energy cities hubs

The Energy Cities Hubs are our community spaces to activate, empower and inspire local leaders towards a climate-neutral Europe

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15 Oct

WEBINAR FOR CITIES: How to plan and execute your public lighting project using the Smart EPC tools and standardized documents

Is your city planning to refurbish its public lighting through Energy Performance Contracting (EPC)? We can help you reduce the time you need for project […]

15 Oct

WEBINAR FOR FACILITATORS: How to plan and execute your public lighting project using the Smart EPC tools and standardized documents

Are you an energy project facilitator? Are you willing to support cities in the successful implementation of EPC projects? Then, this event is for you! […]

22 Oct

Info and Launch Session: European City Facility Call 7

In this online dialogue, the European City Facility will present key information about the 7th Call, share inspirational material, and address questions from the audience. […]

24 Oct

Engaging citizens in heating projects

Heating and cooling accounts for almost 80% of all energy used by households, which in turn, are responsible for 21% of the EU’s greenhouse gas […]

07 Nov

Unlocking your city’s renewable energy future – Play and learn with Leuven and Poreč

Increasing renewable energy deployment is a priority for many municipalities. By working together with energy communities, they can become greener but also ensure that their […]

20 Nov - 21 Nov

Lille, France

TANDEM workshop: Soils, a coveted, limited resource to be protected

Soils, a coveted, limited resource to be protected: what are the challenges for the socio-ecological transition of local authorities? In the era of climate change, […]

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1029 results displayed
Funding climate action in cities


European cities will need to hire a host of new staff to enact the array of climate measures put forward by national and EU legislators—a difficult task given the budget constraints faced by most municipalities. Claire Roumet of Energy Cities discusses how new funding models for cities can help address staffing challenges.
Energy Cities says it is time to turn up the heat on Member States for failing on local heating and cooling planning

Energy Cities says it is time to turn up the heat on Member States for failing on local heating and cooling planning

Celebrating the first anniversary of the publication of the EED, Energy Cities is taking stock of the local heating and cooling planning transposition.


Energy Cities has tracked progress in all Member States with the transposition of the energy efficiency directive. Member States need to boost their game.
Reduce Resource Use For A Fairer, Cleaner, And More Resilient Europe

Reduce Resource Use For A Fairer, Cleaner, And More Resilient Europe

Together with other 13 associations, we sent a briefing to the new MEPs urging them to take action


“Emphasises that addressing resource scarcity requires reducing the extraction and use of resources and an absolute decoupling of growth from the use of natural resources.” […]
The New EU Political Landscape for Cities and Energy

The New EU Political Landscape for Cities and Energy

The focus shifts from setting targets to funding and building the energy transition


The main message from Ursula Von der Leyen at the beginning of her new mandate is a combination of ‘industry’, ‘competitive’ and ‘clean’. Just about everything will tap into one of those three themes and frequently all three of them at the same time.
No excuse to get smarter on community energy

No excuse to get smarter on community energy

Espresso training now available in more languages


As we want the community energy movement to be active all around Europe, we want to make sure municipal employees do have the skills for it. That is why our Espresso training is now also available in languages other than English.